Dear Friends,
It has now been three Christmases since we left our home in mountains of Provo, Utah and came to the West Indies. Upon our arrival we did not even know where most of the islands in our mission were located or even their names. Now as we approach the final six months there are faces and memories associated with each of the islands and countries within the mission. We have come to love the people, the richness of their traditions and culture, and their demonstration of faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Here's a few pictures
We love our mission - can you tell?
Our favorite kind of Christmas tree - the Tree of Life (created by Suriname Elder Koenen)
We are constantly surrounded by beautiful sights
and beautiful people
What a wonderful mission!
Hurrah for Israel!
Here's a glimpses of West Indies missionaries at work (to view full screen, click on the icon in the lower left of the screen)
If you liked that, we have more mission slideshows here
Our Family
We face coming home to a world that has changed immensely since we left in June of 2006. But we are very much looking forward to being the best grandparents and parents that we possibly can and helping our family face the challenges the world now presents.
The family back home is healthy, happy, and growing. When we left home in July 2006 we had these ten sweet grandchildren - eight granddaughters and two grandsons
Now we have eight granddaughters and seven grandsons! Here is what has happened in 2008
Joelle and John Staley welcomed Jack into their family in August
Here's the new Staley gang
Justin and Lisa were surprised when an ultrasound of baby #4 showed identical twin boys. James (7 lbs) and Henry (6lbs 10 oz) were born in November
Looks nice and peaceful, right?
Life with the Robisons requires all hands on deck as Justin finishes his med school residency (actually expanded into a 2 yr fellowship)
The new expanded family
Jenny and Jason Moyer welcomed Mason into their family in March (on Reid's birthday!)
He joins Taylor
and Cooper
Here's the Moyer crew
Jeremiah (JJ) joined Jeremy and Karenin and Sylie in May
Big sister Sylie
The family
Jamie is busy in school at BYU, working at CPK, hanging out with family, playing in a band, and generally having too much fun
We are excited about our army (basketball team?) of baby boy future missionaries and feel that their safe arrival in 2008 is one of our precious mission blessings.
The two hardest things are:
Not being home to help out
Getting a picture of all 15 grandchildren
The best thing is:
Working side by side with great people doing the Lord's work in establishing his church here in the West Indies
We are grateful to each of you for your support, your notes from time to time letting us know how things are going, and for your friendship. We have been influenced greatly by your example and goodness. At this wonderful Christmas season, we remember the traditions of Christmases past, the message of the restored gospel and the greatest gift of all times, the gift of the baby Jesus to the world. We rejoice with you in the celebration of His birth, life, and atoning sacrifice. May the Lord bless and watch over each of you as we recommit our lives to serving Him not only this season but in the months and years ahead.
With love and appreciation,
Reid and Diane Robison